Tuesday 24 April 2012

Saying our Goodbyes

After Nelson, we  had just a few days to divest ourselves of our belongings and say our goodbyes to the good friends we'd made in our eight months in New Zealand.   We walked around the harbor, had a last coffee or two and said farewells to neighbors and friends. The flight was predictably long and nightmarish, particularly the ten-hour layover in LA.  We missed our last connection in Philadelphia, and by the time we arrived in Greensboro, we figured we'd been up 36 hours.  Our friend Paul picked us up and delivered us, a bit bleary, at our house on Eagle Nest Ct.  Claire had made strawberry pie, and the animals seemed happy to see us.  Spring in NC is amazingly beautiful, as always.

Since then, we've been working to get back to some sort of normal.  Reconnecting with real life again.  Here's a picture of the homestead and one of John and Fenno, getting started on the weeding.

I keep feeling like I should be summing things up somehow, but I'm not sure I have the perspective to do that yet.  Let's just say that 8 months in New Zealand was a wonderful adventure.  I hope you've enjoyed hearing about it.  Thank you for reading along.

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